Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Announcing a new addition to the world!
An extremely close friend of ours just got the cutest cavalier named Hannah, so we thought it would be appropriate to discuss these royal pups!

You may recognize this dog as Elizabeth Taylor, Charlotte's dog from "Sex and the City." Cavaliers are extremely sweet dogs and they actually get their name from King Charles II of Britain! These silky coated dogs come in four colors, as noted on the AKC website: Blenheim (chestnut and white), Tricolor (black, white, and tan), Ruby (solid red) and Black and Tan. Blenheim is the most popular color. Cavaliers are usually between 13 and 18lbs which puts them in the Toy group category. But don't let their petite size fool you, these guys have big hearts and are similar to the gentle giant personality because they are calm and kind companions, never yappy!

The AKC recognizes the breed as being, "Gay, friendly, non-aggressive with no tendency towards nervousness or shyness. Bad temper, shyness, and meanness are not to be tolerated and are to be severely penalized as to effectively remove the specimen from competition."

Cavaliers are perfect dogs for apartment living but they do love a daily walk in the park. These dogs could thrive with any person, even pets, all they need is a warm and loving home and a good lap to sleep in...Don't forget lots of food because these guys are chow hounds!

Here's a link to Dogs 101 Cavalier:

Remember Elizabeth Taylor..We find out she's pregnant in season 6:

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kimpton hotels...for Pets on the go!

I'm sitting in bed with my cat, (yes I have a cat) Mischa, in a Kimpton hotel which allows pets! When we drove up to the hotel there was a welcome sign for all the pet guests at the hotel and each name was listed on the blackboard. They also set Mischa up with a cat toy! Kimpton hotels allow pets to stay for free and they have packages which include pet beds, food bowls, and pet sitting! Kimpton hotels are perfect for pets on the go!
Mischa is enjoying the room and we're both thinking about our 2 years in LA. What comes to my mind in light of this blog is the LA PURSE DOG! Every day in LA I see dogs in purses! It's always so exciting to see a little keppi(head) pop out of a woman's very expensive designer purse! I see dogs in grocery stores, dogs in malls, dogs in nail salons, dogs in classrooms, dogs and dogs and dogs everywhere! But these pups aren't ordinary dogs they're pampered pups and they know it! Unfortunately, I haven't randomly walked up to a dog in a purse and taken a fast picture because usually the owners are protective of them...So instead I'm posting a picture of Mischa looking out the window in the hotel.

Tonight Mischa and I are saying goodbye to LA's pampered pups and saying hello to the hippy hounds in northern California!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Announcing a new family addition!

Our aunt, uncle, and cousins just added a new addition to their household in the form of a terrier mix! We asked our cousin if she would write something about the newest addition for our blog and here's what she wrote:

His name is Oscar Ken...but some of us like to call him OK. We got him from the SPCA of Baltimore a little over a month ago. He is a terrier mix, in other words, a mutt! The wood floor is his favorite place to sleep/lounge. If he's not on the floor he's curled up like a cat on someone's bed. Oscar lounges around most of the day until 7 where his energy is at full capacity. He will run around in circles, run up and down the steps, and do somersaults across the kitchen. He only barks at inanimate objects such as hairbrushes and nightlights. He cries when other dogs won't play with him.

Here are some pictures of Oscar the not so Grouchy puppy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


It's time for the pugnacious pug! The pug is a dog you either love or hate! Some people think the dog is too ugly to look at but others think the awkwardness of the pug makes him adorable! The pug is the biggest toy breed and enjoys accompanying humans wherever they go. Random fact: the wrinkles on their face are supposed to be the Chinese symbol for prince! These royal pups are pretty adaptable but they can overheat so we wouldn't advise leaving them outside for very long this summer.
If you want to learn more here is a webpage with information: Breed info

Another video

Funny videos

And another

Here are some pictures of puppies in London in Harrods

We also have Pugsley below who is a pug beagle mix Natalie adopted from a shelter!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Au Naturel

Now here are the boxers we find super cute because they are au naturel..they have their natural ears!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Boxers in Waiting

During the day these show dogs patiently await in their crates for their moment in the spotlight! Even in the crate they looked adorable!

Calling all Boxers...

Here are some of the other show dogs we saw! We met one of the winners that day and you can see her on this website:
Animal planet also talks about the boxer:

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Show girls and boys!

Here our some boxers getting ready for the show to start! Tomorrow we will show you dogs in the ring!The first dog in this picture is named Lucky, he is 9 years young, and he has been in many commercials!!